Sunday, March 02, 2008

Well Okay Then

Well, 6 ain't 10, but I guess I'll keep posting. I was almost hopin' that no-one would leave a comment so I wouldn't have to continue. It's just that:

1. I'm working every single day now with 4 (!) jobs, so it feels like I'm giving a lot already. Even when I go out to relax after work, some sap wants to practice his English with me wherever I go, so it's difficult to relax

2. I'm taking courses (cooking and Japanese)

3. I'm posting on another site in both Japanese and English, and responding to comments in both languages takes a lot of time

4. I take a lot of time to write almost book-like posts, and was kinda disappointed that very few people leave comments. As I noted initially, this isn't a boring "what I did today" diary, it's informative and interesting info about Japan from a goddamned witty perspective. From the logs, I can see that lots of people are reading - not to mention "borrowing" my pictures - so what I guess I'm trying to say is "comments are appreciated".

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing your nice blog.
It looks like you write a lot.
I'll read it more closely when I have the time.


Cat In Black said...

When do you intend to update?

bonsai-superstar said...

Okay, Ill do it tomorrow.

bonsai-superstar said...

Thanks for the kind words, Clay.

"Tomorrow", eh...Well, it's yesterday's tomorrow, I guess...